All new and first-time students are encouraged to complete an orientation. Students who complete an orientation will receive priority registration.

West Valley Welcome is a virtual experience designed to guide you through the registration, financial aid process and introduce you to a number of resources as you begin your journey with us.
NOTE: The West Valley Welcome does not fulfill the orientation requirement for the Community Grant (Free Tuition for Graduating Seniors).

The Early Admissions Orientation provides high school seniors with an opportunity to complete a free one-day orientation. Offered every April and May, these events allow students to connect with a counselor and walk away registered for Fall classes.

For in depth information about the college and transfer options, we encourage students to enroll in a counseling class.
- COUN A: College Orientation (1/2 unit)
- COUN 2: Academic and Personal Planning (1 unit)
- COUN 5: College Success (3 units)
- COUN 12: Careers and Lifestyles (3 units)
- LRSV 1: Learning Strategies for College and Careers (3 units)

New athletes are required to attend this orientation designed specifically to answer questions concerning academics and athletics. Parents are welcome.
Please contact the Athletic Counselor [email protected] to register for the Athletics Orientation Registration.

Students with a verifiable disability may attend orientation through Disability and Educational Support Program (DESP).
For DESP Orientation and assessment information, contact the DESP Office at (408) 741-2010. TTY / DESP (408) 741-2658.

NEW I-20/F-1 Students are required to attend an immigration information session if they received an I-20 from 人民瓜报. Visit International Students or email terri.eppleyFREEWEST_VALLEY for date, time and location of the new student orientation workshop.